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About Me

Hi there! I'm Aaron. And this is Noble Sails.


I hear from friends (and even some family), "I see you've been doing lots of stuff with boats." Yes. Yes I do do stuff with boats! LOL


I started sailing at age 13 sailing Sunfish at Scout Camp. Since then I've sailed with number of J105 teams across North Texas and over the last decade it has landed me where I am now on my home team - Blue Flash. We race about 40 weeks per year - every year - in addition to at least one travel or offshore race per year. We've raced in the North American Championship in Traverse City, two Chicago-Mackinac Races, and many many bay races around Galveston Bay.


I have also raced the Catalina 22 Regional and National Championships, Bayview- Mackinac Race, Ted HOOD regatta in Marblehead, Harvest Moon and more across Texas.


My Goal:

I want to race a Vendee Globe - Solo, nonstop, around the world, unassisted. This website is dedicated to documenting this journey and providing an outlet for fellow sailors to learn and discuss the nuances of our sport.

So now when people tell me "You do stuff with boats," I can show them it's SO. MUCH. MORE!






About Me

I'm Aaron. I've been racing sailboats for more than a decade and now race for several teams around the country. My goal is to get into solo ocean sailing with the ultimate goal of racing the Vendee Globe - solo, nonstop, around the world, unassisted. Learn more about me in the link below.


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